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HENNLICH was founded in 1922 in Duchcov, Czechoslovakia by Hermann A. Hennlich. 

At the beginning HENNLICH was a wholesaler for mines and mills and other industries. It soon became the first factory producing welding wire in Czechoslovakia. 

1945After 1945, in the post-war years, Hermann A. Hennlich restarted a new enterprise in Schärding, Austria. 
1978HENNLICH & ZEBISCH GmbH was founded in Austria for specialised production and sales of industrial sealing technology.
1989The own production of seals and machined plastics started in Austria.
1991HENNLICH Czech Republic was founded
1993The company HENNLICH Hungary was established.
1997HENNLICH Slovenia was established.
2000HENNLICH Poland was established.
2001HENNLICH Czech Republic moved into the new office building in Litomerice.
2002The production of seals started in HENNLCH Hungary and Czech Republic.
2003HENNLICH Croatia was established.

A new building for the warehouse and the seals production were built in Suben near Schärding, Austria.

Certification of the company according to ISO14001 – environmental protection, Czech Republic.


HENNLICH Bulgaria and HENNLICH Romania were established.


HENNLICH Serbia and HENNLICH Ukraine were founded.

HENNLICH became a certified supplier of Exxon Mobil.

2007Expansion of the warehouse and seals production in Suben near Schärding, Austria.
2009HENNLICH Belarus was established.

HENNLICH Russia was founded.

HENNLICH Czech Republic supplied goods to Chinese and Indian markets. 

HENNLICH started the construction of the company building in Litomerice, Czech Republic.


The HENNLICH Group founded subsidiaries in Macedonia and France.


HENNLICH celebrated the 90th anniversary.

2014Start of HENNLICH Switzerland.

Establishing the HENNLICH - Cooling-Technologies in Austria.

Establishing the HENNLICH-HCT in Germany, specialised on hydraulic accumulators and Cooling-Technology.


Relaunch of the new HENNLICH-Website for all 22 HENNLICH-companies.


HENNLICH Hungary celebrated its 25-year anniversary.

HENNLICH Austria grew to over 100 employees.


The HENNLICH Group now has more than 800 employees.

HENNLICH Belarus celebrates its 10-year anniversary.

2020HENNLICH Poland started the extension of the company building in Knurow.
2021HENNLICH celebrated their 30 year anniversary in Czech Republic.

HENNLICH Czech Republic celebrates its 30-year anniversary.

HENNLICH Serbia celebrates its 15-year anniversary.

HENNLICH Austria begins building a new headquarter.