1922 | HENNLICH was founded in 1922 in Duchcov, Czechoslovakia by Hermann A. Hennlich. At the beginning HENNLICH was a wholesaler for mines and mills and other industries. It soon became the first factory producing welding wire in Czechoslovakia. | |
1945 | After 1945, in the post-war years, Hermann A. Hennlich restarted a new enterprise in Schärding, Austria. | |
1978 | HENNLICH & ZEBISCH GmbH was founded in Austria for specialised production and sales of industrial sealing technology. | |
1989 | The own production of seals and machined plastics started in Austria. | |
1991 | HENNLICH Czech Republic was founded | |
1993 | The company HENNLICH Hungary was established. | |
1997 | HENNLICH Slovenia was established. | |
2000 | HENNLICH Poland was established. | |
2001 | HENNLICH Czech Republic moved into the new office building in Litomerice. | |
2002 | The production of seals started in HENNLCH Hungary and Czech Republic. | |
2003 | HENNLICH Croatia was established. | |
2004 | A new building for the warehouse and the seals production were built in Suben near Schärding, Austria. Certification of the company according to ISO14001 – environmental protection, Czech Republic. | |
2005 | HENNLICH Bulgaria and HENNLICH Romania were established. | |
2006 | HENNLICH Serbia and HENNLICH Ukraine were founded. HENNLICH became a certified supplier of Exxon Mobil. | |
2007 | Expansion of the warehouse and seals production in Suben near Schärding, Austria. | |
2009 | HENNLICH Belarus was established. | |
2010 | HENNLICH Russia was founded. HENNLICH Czech Republic supplied goods to Chinese and Indian markets. HENNLICH started the construction of the company building in Litomerice, Czech Republic. | |
2011 | The HENNLICH Group founded subsidiaries in Macedonia and France. | |
2012 | HENNLICH celebrated the 90th anniversary. | |
2014 | Start of HENNLICH Switzerland. Establishing the HENNLICH - Cooling-Technologies in Austria. | |
2015 | Establishing the HENNLICH-HCT in Germany, specialised on hydraulic accumulators and Cooling-Technology. | |
2016 | Relaunch of the new HENNLICH-Website for all 22 HENNLICH-companies. | |
2018 | HENNLICH Hungary celebrated its 25-year anniversary.
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2019 | The HENNLICH Group now has more than 800 employees.
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2020 | HENNLICH Poland started the extension of the company building in Knurow. | |
2021 | HENNLICH celebrated their 30 year anniversary in Czech Republic. | |
2021 | HENNLICH Czech Republic celebrates its 30-year anniversary. HENNLICH Serbia celebrates its 15-year anniversary. HENNLICH Austria begins building a new headquarter. |